Pro Bono

Immigration Advice Clinic

Linenhall Chambers recently marked the five-year anniversary of an important local project supported by Chambers. In 2013, Members of Linenhall Chambers established an immigration and asylum advice clinic in co-operation with the Chester Citizen’s Advice Bureau located in central Chester.

For several years, Barristers from Linenhall Chambers have been giving their time and efforts unpaid to assist people in need of advice on important issues relating to immigration: asylum, student and work visas, and benefits related issues.

Head of Chambers at Linenhall, Duncan Bould recalls: “Our barristers were often asked to provide help on a range of issues, but some years ago it became apparent that there was a particular gap in provision of advice on immigration matters. We were delighted to be able to assist and over the years a number of our members have been involved in attending the regular clinic and offering help and advice to those in need, those who are unable to pay for legal advice on this crucial area of law.”

The stalwarts of the Advice clinic have been barristers Anna Pope and Hannah Horton, who both have a special interest in immigration law. Anna and Hannah have devoted regular weekday evenings to attend the Advice clinic in Chester to assist a number of people seeking guidance in this difficult area of law. The cases can involve assisting with the completion of paperwork, advice about financial assistance to making emergency applications to the High Court for last minute delays in deportation orders. Anna has carried out work for a charity called Bail for Immigration Detainees.

The Advice Clinic is usually held on a Thursday at the Chester CAB offices in. Anyone seeking advice or referring a person should call the Chester CAB on 0344 576 6111 beforehand to check on times and availability.