Murder and Manslaughter
Linenhall Chambers has a deeply experienced team of barristers specialising in murder, manslaughter and other cases involving death across England and Wales and particularly in Cheshire, Merseyside and North and South Wales. We are the largest set specialising in criminal work of this nature in North Wales and our team includes many Welsh speakers, able to conduct cases in Welsh.
The Linenhall crime team are particularly recognised for prosecution work at the highest level which they undertake on behalf of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), including the HQ and the Complex Casework Unit (CCU), providing access to Queen’s Counsel and vastly experienced junior counsel to fully meet the needs of prosecution cases.
Our barristers have strong and deep working relationships with prosecuting authorities who trust us to provide the highest levels of advice, care and service including highly responsive support out of hours. Our proximity to clients and Courts in Cheshire, Merseyside and North Wales means we are able to provide the highest standards of service and advice at an early stage on cases of the most serious nature.
However, due to the depth and breadth of the team, Linenhall Chambers are frequently instructed to act for multiple parties in cases, including for the defence, illustrating our reputation and standing on the Wales and Chester and Northern Circuits. Junior counsel at Linenhall Chambers are often chosen as trusted representatives in defence work.
Our team regularly deal with highly sensitive and complex cases, often involving families and communities as well as high levels of media attention, which require sensitive handling and an understanding of the wider context of a case. Our barristers go beyond the provision of legal advice, understanding, empathising with and supporting the emotional needs of clients to help cases to reach the desired conclusion.
Our barristers understand the level of responsibility that exists with regard to the outcome of murder and manslaughter cases and that, in this regard, such cases require particular expertise and experience as separate from other violent crimes which are also dealt with by our team. Our barristers frequently advocate in cases where sympathy will understandably lie in one direction but strive to bring balance to proceedings by working hard to explore the context on the other side of the case to bring a fully rounded view to the Court.
The team also holds extensive experience in cases where delegated legislative powers apply including gross negligence manslaughter and corporate manslaughter.
Linenhall Chambers has expertise in all case types including:
- Murder
- Manslaughter
- Attempted murder
- Soliciting to murder
- Gross negligence manslaughter
- Corporate manslaughter
Our specialists in Murder and Manslaughter

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