Catastrophic Injury

Linenhall Chambers expert team of personal injury barristers hold particular expertise in relation to catastrophic injury. They deal with claims arising from the most serious injuries including acquired brain and other head injuries, spinal injuries, amputations, loss of sight or hearing, severe burns and other life changing injuries. They also provide advice and representation in relation to fatal accident claims.

Our caring and approachable barristers provide advice and representation to clients who are facing a future shaped by complex and serious injury. They understand that the immediate priority is the physical and mental well-being of clients and their families and seek to deal quickly and efficiently with the practical implications arising from a catastrophic injury which can have a profound effect on a person’s quality of life.

Such injuries will often have a bearing on every aspect of the life of the injured party from their home to their business or work and their family and will continue to have a significant influence in their long-term future. Our specialist barristers take a holistic approach to cases arising from such injuries. They will seek to cater for the immediate and pressing needs of the client in relation to their day-to-day life, providing diligent support in the critical early stages, as well as considering the long-term implications, needs and medical and practical requirements arising from the injury. They strive to provide clear, practical, and efficient litigation while being sensitive to the trauma and lasting damage that one party in the dispute has experienced.

Catastrophic injury cases involve substantial levels of compensation being recovered and our team of barristers work tirelessly to ensure clients receive the compensation and support they need to give them a future worth having.

We will always select the appropriate expert in their medical or scientific field to assist in the case adding value throughout the process. We also draw on Linenhall’s extensive mediation experience to seek to explore, where appropriate, the conclusion of cases through alternative dispute resolution. Our accredited mediators and in house facilities allow us to provide this aspect of the service in a seamless manner for our clients.

Aligned to our mediation experts are our members who specialise in Public Law and Court of Protection, both support our personal injury team to ensure all aspects of the case are addressed by experts in their fields of law with particular regard to the high levels of compensation involved in catastrophic injury cases.

Linenhall has extensive experience of working with Legal Aid and Conditional Fee Arrangements and will seek to ensure that, whatever funding arrangement is in place, our client remains at the centre of all we do in what can be a very difficult and emotional litigation process. They act for both instructing solicitors and direct access clients.

The team is particularly adept at preparing lay clients to perform as key witnesses, often a critical factor in determining the outcome of such cases, and provides holistic support to clients, beyond the legal aspects of the case. They go the extra mile for our clients to ensure they have both the correct advice and litigation but also feel they are supported throughout the process.

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Our specialists in Catastrophic Injury

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Linenhall Chambers and its members are regulated by the Bar Standards Board.