Pupillage & Mini Pupillage

Linenhall’s application process for pupillage is handled through the Pupillage Gateway and managed by the Bar Council.


Chambers is recruiting for two pupils to commence in September 2025. 

Applications are being accepted through the Pupillage Gateway. We cannot accept applications outside the gateway system and will recruit in accordance with the pre-determined timetable via the Pupillage Gateway Portal. The timetable is yet to be confirmed but when it is we will update this page.


Chambers offers pupillage awards as follows:

£12,000 will be paid to pupils within their first six by the way of 6 equal monthly payments. A Further £16,000 will be paid in guaranteed earnings to pupils within their second six.

We aim to take on 2 twelve month pupillages each year. On successful completion of pupillage the pupil will be entitled to make a formal application for tenancy.  We look for candidates who demonstrate intellectual ability, are well motivated, have capacity for sustained hard work under pressure and who are enthusiastic and confident.

Each pupil is allocated a pupil supervisor based on appropriateness of their practice to meet the training needs of the pupil and can expect the following in their first six:

  • Attend hearings and conferences with their supervisor, solicitor and lay clients
  • Assisting the supervisor in drafting documents and advice
  • Attend a 2 week placement with the Crown Prosecution Service, towards the end of their first 6 months
  • Participate in social/marketing events

Testimonials from past pupils

Thomas McLoughlin
Pupil 2021
Tenant 2022

Pupillage and First year of Tenancy at Linenhall

Even before I formally joined Chambers, I felt welcomed. Every year Summer’s
drinks are held and as the incoming pupil I was invited. The prospect of meeting
everyone at Chambers can be a daunting prospect; I was aware that I would be
a new face amongst a tight knit group. But my time at Linenhall started as it
meant to go on, being and feeling welcome.
Chambers did well to prepare me for the kinds of things I would be doing in my
first six. I knew that there would be a good deal of shadowing and some
opportunities for written work. I had the pleasure of being pupil to Owen
Edwards (now King’s Counsel) so knew that the work would be varied and
exciting. Early on, we had a discussion about where I wanted to be in 5 years’
time and how we would use my first six to get where I wanted to be.
From the first days, I felt involved. It isn’t just the case of simply watching
(although that is important) but also asking questions and discovering the
“because” behind the “why?”.
As a pupil focused solely on crime, that is what I saw and experienced. I quickly
became familiar with PTPHs, mentions, and trials. Covering a range of criminal
work, and being able to pick up processes and turn of phrase that I myself could
use was very helpful. We ensured that I was not only following my supervisor,
but others in chambers. The mentality seemed at the time, which I have seen in
my tenancy, to be that “it takes a village to raise a child”. As time went on, I
continued to broaden my experience and was able to compare different styles
of advocacy.
Further on in my first six, I began to assist with legal research and preparing
written work. Having live feedback and discussion over the work allowed me to
improve in skill and confidence.
My first “brief” came in the form of a noting brief in a murder case. I remember
the thought of feeling that I had made it and the hard work had paid off. Shortly
after this, I embarked on my second-six.
In your second six you very much hit the ground running. Within my first month,
I appeared in a number of Magistrates’ Courts and Crown Courts both for the
Prosecution and Defence. The pace took a lot of getting used to, and doing things
for the first time always made me nervous. But every time, I either knew what
to do or who to ask for help. The support from Chambers was invaluable. Whilst
I could pick out a few people in particular, it is true to say that I knew I could ask
anyone in Chambers for advice.
The clerks and management staff also make all the difference. The importance
of a good relationships cannot be overstated, especially as a young barrister as
other barristers are not in Chambers or around nearly as often as clerks and
management staff. I am always grateful to all of the people in Chambers and
throughout my pupillage and beyond they have been able to give me a great deal
of support. Knowing how to bill cases, knowing how to manage my diary, and
other such skills are all things which aren’t taught in Bar School and which I think
Chambers has been excellent with giving a strong foundation.
In terms of work, I have been able to cover many interesting cases and a variety
of cases touching on many areas of Criminal Law including dangerous dog cases,
multi-handed cases, and complex cases but to name a few. No two weeks are
the same, which I enjoy although some weeks can be tougher than others. It is
important to stress that the work is not easy, but being at Linenhall has given me
all the tools to deal with a junior practice.
I feel positive about my career and about my practice. The role of Chambers and
members of Chambers have and will continue to help. I also look forward to
helping those who join after me to ensure that they have the best early start to
their time at the Bar as possible.

Amy Edwards
Pupil 2022
Tenant 2023

Pupillage and Tenancy at Linenhall Chambers

Introduction / Background
1. I grew up in North Wales and completed my undergraduate and Bar
Course at Cardiff University. I hoped to be able to move back to North
Wales to practice in North West England and North Wales.
2. In April 2022, I completed a week-long mini pupillage at Linenhall
Chambers. In July 2022, I was called to the Bar and in October 2022, I
joined Linenhall Chambers to undertake pupillage.
3. By the time I began pupillage, I felt welcomed into Chambers. Linenhall
is unique for its ‘small set feel’, in a Chambers with over 70 barristers.
4. Pursuing a career at the Bar and beginning pupillage can be an incredibly
daunting experience. At Linenhall., the approachable and supportive
environment that is created by Chambers makes this process not only
easier, but enjoyable.
5. I completed a common law pupillage, which entailed criminal, civil and
family law. I was fortunate enough to have Anna Pope as my pupil
supervisor, who is a criminal practitioner. During my first six, I shadowed
Anna during trials and conferences for a variety of offences, including
murder, sexual assault, dangerous driving.
6. During first six, you will draft opening speeches, examination in chief,
cross examination, closing speeches and legal arguments and receive
feedback. Throughout my pupillage, the feedback process was through
discussions as a case unfolded and comparing my own preparation to
that of others. Everyone has their own style, but each individual at
Linenhall was, and still is, incredibly generous with their time and would
discuss any questions at any time.
7. As a common law pupil, I also shadowed family and practitioners and
quickly developed an understanding of the practical differences of each
area. Senior and junior barristers throughout each practice area gave me
the opportunity shadow them and ask questions (…constantly!).
8. During my second six, I was in Court advocating almost every day. I was
instructed in crime, family and civil cases and each day was different. In
Crime, I have appeared for hearings in the Crown Court since the
beginning of my second six, both for prosecution and defence. In family,
I have undertaken Children Act proceedings and finance cases. In civil, I
have been instructed in small claims trials and drafting.
9. One of the most important people to have during pupillage is your co-pupil. At Linenhall Chambers, the supportive environment is created the
moment you begin pupillage and encourages those relationships
between pupils.
10.The clerks at Linenhall are extremely supportive throughout your
pupillage and during the transition into Tenancy. They are the reason I
was able to experience a range of practice areas and then take
instructions in a variety of work immediately.
Tenancy Application
11.Towards the end of my second six, I applied for Tenancy at Linenhall
Chambers. My second six gave me the opportunity to experience what
life at the bar would entail while at Linenhall. The tenancy process was
transparent and reflective on my time as a pupil.
12.Having completed my first month as a Tenant, Linenhall Chambers has
proved that it is a set which provides a supportive environment which
enables you to progress in a career at the Bar.

William Griffin
Pupil 2022
Tenant 2023

Pupillage and Tenancy at Linenhall Chambers

Being a part of Linenhall Chambers during my pupillage has by far been the best
year of my life. It has been a very steep learning curve, challenging and
overwhelmingly entertaining.
Prior to starting my first six at Linenhall Chambers, my co-pupil, Amy Edwards,
and I went to dinner in Chester with a number of barristers from Chambers
ranging in seniority. It was engaging and compelling, and I believe it was very
useful in regard to helping us settle in.
After that, my pupil supervisor, Simon Rogers would call me prior to my first six
in order for us to get to know each other more and discuss the cases I was
likely to see. Again, I found this particularly welcoming, and it made me even
more excited to start.
As I did a common law pupillage, I appreciated the way that Chambers were
very fluid as to the way it was structured. When I started my first six, the first
few months were predominantly crime focused. I shadowed barristers doing a
wide range of trials including but not limited to serious sexual, violent and drug
offences. However, if there was a particularly interesting civil or family case
happening, I would go and observe that.
As my first six progressed, I gradually spent more time in the County Court to
ensure I had a well-rounded pupillage.
I must say at this point, every barrister that I shadowed showed great
enthusiasm and skill. All had an ability to take complex parts of law or
procedure and simplify it in order to make it a useful learning experience for
me as a pupil. I still find it astonishing just how eager members of chambers are
to help junior members of the Bar.
I observed Simon Rogers in every hearing that you would see in a Crown Court.
Simon would regularly set me tasks to do and prepare. The thinking behind this
was that it is all very well and good to observe, but once you have prepared
something yourself and given it a lot of thought, and then you go into court
and see an experienced barrister do it, it gives greater value to what you are
observing and in turn, prepares you to start engaging with the mindset of a
barrister. The tasks I was set varied from written work to advocacy such as
opening and closing speeches, witness handling and various applications. The
more I progressed through my first six, the more interventionist the ‘Judge’ in
this case Simon would be when I would be making applications, in order to test
me. Again, I am very grateful for the time and effort put in by Simon as this was
great preparation for my second six and onwards.
I observed many different types of civil and family cases. I found civil law
particularly interesting. I spent a lot of time with many different civil barristers
and got to know many of them well. I saw a vast array of talent and different
styles of advocacy.
Towards the end of my first six, I spent most of my time with the junior end.
This was in order to prepare me for the work I was going to be doing in second
six. I observed Tom Mcloughlin and Laura Knightly in the Magistrates court,
prosecuting lists and defending many different trials. I cannot express how
useful this was to me for when I started my second six.
During my second six, I spent half of my time prosecuting Magistrates lists for
the CPS and doing defence trials. Furthermore, I spent the other half in the
County Court doing personal injury cases and credit hire cases. The jump from
first six to second six is a big one. There is a high volume of work to be done.
However, as I have already mentioned, the barristers at Linenhall are all
extremely helpful and make life at the junior end a lot easier.
One thing that really stood out to me about Linenhall Chambers during my first
and second six was that there is a community spirit of wanting to see each
other be successful and helping each other as much as you can, I believe that
this is something special.
During my time at Chambers, I feel that I have developed many new and
existing skills. The leap from Bar school to Chambers was initially a shock to the
system. However, observing skilful barristers and their court craft in my first six
to then trying it on my own in my second six has been an invaluable lesson.
Having spent time in Chambers, it caused me to recognise just how
exceptionally hard working the clerking and administrative team are. Not only
are they all hard working, but they are also fun to be around in Chambers and
are always positive and helpful.
Linenhall is a very supportive and forward thinking set of Chambers. I look
forward to meeting the next member of chambers and I will ensure I will do
everything to make them feel as settled and prepared as possible, in the same
way that the Linenhall did for me when I started


If you require any further information or would like to register for pupillage updates and webinars please email charlene.oreilly@lhchambers.co.uk.

Go to the Pupillage Gateway


Mini Pupillage

Linenhall Chambers offers mini-pupillages to students (undergraduate level or equivalent and above) and other professionals who are considering a career as a barrister.

We offer a limited number of mini-pupillages between April and mid-September each year, each of which lasts one week. They offer an opportunity to shadow our members in court, in conference with clients and working in Chambers. Mini-pupils are likely to be asked to assist with legal research and will be provided with feedback during the week.

We see mini-pupillage as providing an opportunity for potential applicants for pupillage to learn more about the work we do and demonstrate to us their suitability for a pupillage at Linenhall Chambers. Mini-pupils will be monitored and reviewed for their suitability as pupillage candidates. As with applications for pupillage, applications for mini-pupillage will be considered on an equal opportunities basis.


Applications are now closed for 2025


Mini Pupillage Policy 2025


For Information on the mini pupillage grant scheme funded by Lincoln’s Inn, please head over to their website. Funding – Lincoln’s Inn (lincolnsinn.org.uk)

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Accreditations and awards

Linenhall Chambers and its members are regulated by the Bar Standards Board.